Sixteen students at Southern Adventist University requested baptism after their professor, David Hartman, D.Min., gave a heartfelt appeal to his Christian Beliefs class.
“I praise God for this!” Hartman said. “This doesn’t happen by accident. I print out thumbnail pictures of the students and pray for them by name throughout the semester. I ask God to use the classroom as a crucible for change. On the day of an appeal, I pray earnestly for God to move hearts, and He does! Every semester there are students who resolve to follow Christ and be baptized.”
Hartman accepted Jesus as his Savior 40 years ago while studying at Southern. Now, as a professor in the University’s School of Religion, his mission is to help a new generation of young people do the same. His Christian Beliefs course covers the 28 Fundamental Beliefs of the Seventh-day Adventist Church with their Scriptural support. During the class discussion on baptism, he distributes response cards, and asks each student to consider starting a new life with Christ.
This semester, eight students responded with a desire for baptism and eight others for rebaptism. Over the next few weeks, Hartman met with the 16 individuals to facilitate their journeys toward spiritual renewal.
“There were many times during Christian Beliefs class when I was reminded of God’s power, how much He loves me, and how He has always drawn me to Him,” said Lia Narikawa, a sophomore health science major who plans to be baptized. “Those reminders made me want to fully give my heart to Jesus.”
Southern Adventist University | May 2023

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