Caleb Matias Ayala

Caleb Matias Ayala
Students Work During Winter Magabook Program in Charleston
The Magabook program for winter 2022-23 took place from December 6, 2022, to January 11, 2023, in Charleston, S.C. The theme was “I Will Go: Spreading the Three Angels’ Messages,” and it brought together a group of 15 students from across North America and Inter-America to do this special missionary work.
Twice a year, these students gather somewhere in the Carolinas to sell Adventist books door-to-door, and this winter season was a special blessing for the Magabook program. The students impacted the city of Charleston with literature, prayers, and Bible studies, as well as engaging in the World Church initiative of spreading The Great Controversy book in every city of their territory.
One of the students had a particularly powerful experience while presenting books to a gentleman who wasn’t initially interested. After the student prayed for him and gave him The Great Controversy book, the gentleman recognized it as an Adventist book and asked if the student was Adventist. He said that he had been Adventist some time ago, but had fallen away from the Church. The student appealed to him to come back, and the gentleman, recognizing this as the voice of God, committed himself to returning to his faith.
By the end of the program, by the grace of God, more than 2,100 books, 500 The Great Controversy books, more than 4,000 prayers, 5,000 glow tracts, and 10,000 Steps to Christ books had been scattered throughout Charleston and nearby towns. In addition, God blessed the program with more than $56,000 in total donations, which will help the canvassers cover their school tuition expenses.
Through the Magabook program, God is calling young people to engage in the canvassing field, and work door to door to spread the salvation of Jesus to others. Jesus is coming soon, and it’s more important than ever to get engaged in His important work.
Carolina | March 2023

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