Janelle Lattimore
Janelle Lattimore
A transformative three-week evangelistic series on the “Prophecies of Hope” concluded in Adamsville, Tenn., leaving a lasting impact on both the local church members and visitors. The series, which took place from June 23 to July 15, 2023, averaged more than 60 attendees each night, and welcomed Carlis Clinton, pastor and current evangelist, as a guest speaker.
Under the theme of “Prophecies of Hope,” attendees were invited to explore the depths of biblical prophecy and its relevance to modern times. The Adamsville, Tenn., Church, which had not hosted an evangelistic series in approximately 15 years, took the initiative to rent the city’s community center for the duration of the series.
“[This event] is important because we believe it’s the time of the Gospel coalition,” said Kathleen Alexander, Adamsville Church member and Bible worker. “The Holy Spirit is out touching the hearts of individuals; our job is to just partner in God’s mission.”
The first night of the series saw an impressive turnout, with approximately 40 church members and an equal number of visitors in attendance. According to Clinton, the atmosphere was charged with enthusiasm.
“It’s very exciting to see people who’ve never heard this message before get excited about hearing the Word of God,” said Clinton.
As the series reached its conclusion, a total of 15 individuals signed up for Bible study programs. This outcome was celebrated by the church members.
“Besides personal Bible studies, [public evangelism] is the most concise opportunity that the Church has to share the three angels’ message, which is the reason we exist as a Church,” said Clinton. “Our biggest prayer and hope are that everyone who attended [the event] will have gotten to know Jesus better.”
Kentucky-Tennessee | October 2023

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