Submitted by US Media Worldwide
Life changed for Charlie Hastings sitting on a bar stool in a tavern in Vancouver, Wash. Two Baptist businessmen shared that God had a divine purpose for his life, and even though Hastings had no interest in religion, he reasoned it might be wise to at least give God a chance to show him that divine purpose.
Hastings, a member of the Cedar Ridge Church in Cedar Ridge, Tenn., operates an international business called US Media Worldwide. What is unusual is that they do not have a website, do no fundraising, or ask for money. Instead, they rely completely on God to provide in advancing the Gospel message throughout the world. He converted at age 42, married a Seventh-day Adventist, moved to Florida, then Tennessee, and grew restless. He told God he was thankful for the blessings in his life, and asked how he might better serve Him.
“The Lord opened up some doors — for example, outreach last year in eastern Europe, Russia, Ukraine, and Belaruse,” said Hastings. He and his organization have sent Bibles and spread the Gospel message to 116 different countries, totally relying on God to provide. They have an outreach called the “Power of Choice Project,” a 90-day challenge for anyone wanting a closer relationship with God.
US Media Worldwide’s “Power of Choice Project” is a three-step process directing the mind of the individual to the fact that Jesus Christ has a divine purpose for their life, regardless of belief, and the end result is a closer relationship with God.
Step one, based on Jeremiah 29:11, says God has a specific divine purpose for every individual. Every morning, along with your worship, dedicate who you are as an individual to the service of the Lord, the advancing of the Gospel message, and enlarging His kingdom. Make this your first choice for the entire day.
Step two, based on Jeremiah 17:5, says cursed is the man who puts his trust in another man. During this 90-day challenge, each individual must focus on where Jesus Christ and the kingdom of Heaven is directing and guiding. Jesus Christ wants to be totally in charge in what He is trying to teach you and where He is trying to lead you. This verse reminds all not to transfer faith from Christ to the opinions or theories of men.
Step three, based on Proverbs 16:3, says commit your plans to the Lord and your thoughts will be established. Pay attention to how the Lord opens up invitations, and watch for His divine guidance as He moves you forward in faith. Put everything into God’s hands asking Him to orchestrate the entire event, and pay close attention as God establishes your thought process.
For the next 90 days, submit yourself to this three-step process and watch how the Lord will develop your own personal testimony. Make this 90-day challenge a daily primary focus and the number one decision in your life for that day. Do not worry about church, finances, health, spouse, friends, or family, as these will become major benefactors of this first choice.
Hasting’s shared that at one time there was only $698 in his bank account. A call came that there was a need for Bibles in the Philippines in their language. About 500 people had been baptized, and they wanted to provide them with 500 Bibles. The cost was $1,500. He was worried because he knew he didn’t have enough funds. Hastings obeyed God’s prompting to purchase the Bibles. “We wired the money in United States dollars. God spiked the value of the dollar, and we were able to give out a Bible to everyone baptized and cover the expense.”
Hastings says, “Most people feel like something is missing in their lives. They are always looking for something better. Introduce them to the fact that Jesus Christ has a divine purpose for them. If they will give God a chance, they will no longer feel like something is missing.”
Georgia-Cumberland | November 2016

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