Courtney Herod

Courtney Herod
The Westminster, S.C., Church celebrated the mortgage-burning for their family life facility on December 15, 2018. Thanks to the commitment of the members, the church was able to pay off the mortgage years before the note would be called in full.
As Robert Grant, pastor of Westminster, began this special part of the service, he reminded the members of two key individuals, Harry House and Ron Courtney, who made the project possible. He invited Chad Grundy, undertreasurer for the Carolina Conference, and two women who are family representatives of House and Courtney, Joanna Crowe and Jacquie Courtney, to join him at the front of the church.
After Grundy commended the members in their diligent giving to pay off the mortgage early, Grant lit the mortgage and the flames climbed the edge of the paper. In a matter of seconds, the paper that once was stamped with the words “Paid in Full” was gone. Grant closed tthe service with a prayer of thanksgiving for the faithfulness of God and his people.
The service was followed by a church-wide fellowship lunch, which featured a birthday celebration for one of their members. Westminster is a close-knit congregation committed to their church and to each other.
Carolina | May 2019

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