The women of Progress Village Church in Tampa, Fla., are always busy, thanks to Opal Lattimore.
After contemplating a new project, Lattimore decided to make hats for the Moffitt Bone Marrow Transplant Clinic on behalf of one of their members, Verna Glenn, who is a seven-year multiple myeloma survivor.
Lattimore appealed to the women of the church to make her dream come true, and seven women answered the call. Cynthia Oden, Tonya Gainous, Cathy Norton, Pat Wilson, Mary Alice Battle, Verna Glenn, and Beverly James, along with Lattimore, hand made more than 250 hats for the patients of the Moffitt Clinic. Lattimore and two of the women delivered the hats to the clinic to be distributed to the patients. The staff was overwhelmed at the generosity, and the patients were elated to received a heartfelt, practical gift.
Southeastern | February 2017

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