Yeehaw! The recent Vacation Bible School (VBS) training workshop took place on Sabbath afternoon, February 11, 2017, and featured the new Cactusville VBX: Where Kids Are Called to Follow Jesus. “VBX” is the acronym for Vacation Bible Xperience; although it’s normally spelled “experience,” Xperience with an “X” catches your attention. Twelve churches were represented at the workshop, which featured an overview of the program; songs; and a skit presented by miners Allison Grundy (“Digger”) and Grace Russell (“Crusty”), and “Sheriff” Rick Russell. And, what would VBX be without a prospector’s bag craft or a delectable western-style snack and meal? It was exciting to have four young people helping at the workshop: Ashley, Allison, and Chad Grundy, and Grace Russell.
At Cactusville VBX, Buckaroos and Li’l Cowpokes will learn that God loves them unconditionally, and He has a special purpose for their lives. Through stations such as “Round Up” (opening and closing programs), “Wild Horse Corral” (games), “Trading Post” (crafts), “Sunset Canyon” (prayer), and “Campfire Stories” (Bible story), children will discover how God is calling them. Each day they will memorize a portion of the Gold Nugget, 2 Timothy 1:9, so it becomes part of their thinking. During the week, they will contribute to the mission project, “Operation Wheels,” and have the chance to impact immigrant children and adults from all over the world who now live in Arizona. An opening/closing program DVD provides a skit set in the Old West. The music CD and DVD enhance this fun program by using a variety of music styles and hand motions, including an old song (“I Have Decided to Follow Jesus”) done in a new way, and two new songs written by teens. The VBX program is available in English or Spanish, and includes a separate program for the Li’l Cowpokes (preschoolers).
For more information, additional resources, and to see the promotional video, go to www.AdventistVBX.org. You may order a Cactusville VBX kit by contacting the Adventist Christian Book Center. If you’d like to use Western die-cuts for your decorations and crafts, they are available from the Carolina Conference office by request, with advance notice. The Cactusville backdrop and frame, and Cactusville Critter stand-up characters are also available at minimal cost for rental. But, you’d better hurry! Reservations are filling up fast! If you are looking for outreach and follow-up ideas, there are a number of great VBS kits available to borrow by calling the Children’s Ministries Department. You are called to share the love of Jesus with the children of your church and community. What better way to make the most of this summer than by inviting them to VBX and a follow-up activity? They will come!
Carolina | May 2017

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