French biologist Louis Pasteur once said, “Success favors preparation.” Oshkosh is a huge testament to that. Everything, and I do mean EVERYTHING has to be accounted for.
Campers need to learn to set up tents, meals need to be planned, travel arrangements need to be arranged, uniforms need to be updated and so much more. Oshkosh will be so much easier if you plan ahead and thoroughly. But what happens when you do plan and things beyond your control occur and throw you off your game? What happens when your driver can’t find his pickup location, forcing you to wander around the airport lugging more than one hundred pounds of luggage? What happens when you order hundreds of dollars’ worth of food only to arrive that day to pick it up and find out that your order was cancelled? What happens when you can’t find gas or propane and have no way of making a hot meal? What happens when you simply get stressed or overwhelmed? You turn to God and pray.
“Make time for God as He whispers when the world is loud.”- Author unknown. You may feel overwhelmed, confused, in over your head, or probably a combination of all three, but God is still God and He reigns supreme in everything. Trust in Him. You are His child and He won’t forsake you. Pray to Him and seek His guidance, but remember faith without works is dead. Don’t sit around and wait for the answer to drop out of the sky. Regroup, make new plans, don’t give up and PRAY.
A lot of times we forget to include God in everything that we do but God is interested in ALL aspects of our life, even down to what we plan to eat for breakfast. Have fun and meet new people; you may even end up in a Brazilian Pathfinder club’s Facebook live. Success may favor preparation, but it’s not completely reliant on it; Oshkosh is what YOU make it.