Throughout the course of time, men and women have enjoyed the beauty of living and treasuring the sacred Word of God. The comfort of the Scriptures has brought peace, wisdom, and salvation. Only eternity will reveal the countless testimonies and lives that have been changed and redeemed as a result of reading the Holy Bible.
This is significant because the goal and purpose of God’s Holy Word is to save fallen humanity from eternal destruction. When we read in the Scriptures about God sending His only begotten Son to die for our sins, we understand that it is God’s intent to save us in spite of our past. John 3:16 states, “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.” Scriptures like this clearly remind us that the Scriptures themselves are given by God to help evangelize this world. God, through His Holy Word, is reaching out to all people of all nationalities.
The Word of God reveals that God has an all-out ministry to save lost humanity from sin. And, God’s perfect will is to use every means necessary to reach our families, neighbors, co-workers, and, yes, even our enemies. To accomplish this goal, Heaven has enlisted Christians like you and me. The Scriptures tell us in Matthews 28:19, “Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost.” One of our primary reasons for living the Christian life is to share our faith with others. When we do this, we assist God in helping to reach others with this soul-saving message of salvation.
As Christians, we are asked by God to use our influence and means to evangelize the world with this soul-saving Gospel of God’s love. That means every member and every talent should awaken with the urgency of sharing this Gospel of hope and wholeness. Every day people are living in fear because of the destruction of the moral values of society. We, as Christians, must show them through our abilities that God is the answer for the woes of the world.
Our past reveals that others did their part in sharing the Good News of the Bible — men like James White, Joseph Bates, H. M. S. Richards, Earl E. Cleveland, and a host of others. These men devoted their lives to the proclamation of this saving Gospel of Christ. Now the mantle is placed in our care, and the challenge is more significant than ever before. Men and women are praying that God will send someone to share with them how to be free from the grip of sin.
We are challenged by God to assist in sharing our faith with others. We must recognize that people who are lost eternally need our help to find their way to God’s plan of redemption. If we believe that this Gospel has improved our lives, then we must believe that it will improve the lives of others. Let us labor together to make a difference in the lives of all whom God brings into our lives. Moreover, Heaven will be a better place when we see the lives that God used us to touch.
Southern Union | December 2019

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