My name is Vanessa Emanuel Hanna-Verrett. Emanuel means, “God with us.” My late husband died tragically; three years later my heart was shattered due to the tragic death of my youngest son, Justin. He was a freshman at Oakwood University and ready to lunge into anticipated summer adventures. This tragedy was unanticipated, and I was unprepared. The intensity of my pain made it difficult to feel “God with me.”
My name is Leon Solomon Verrett III. I’ve experienced many personal deaths, but none more painful than that of my late wife. Solomon means “peace,” but during this time my life was anything but “peaceful.” For both of us, the struggle with grief was real, but God restores.
As the years passed, I thought I would never get married again since I had been widowed for eight years and Leon for two years. Although the desire was there, neither of us knew if we would remarry or remain single. However, we did know two things: 1) We wanted God to make the decision; and 2) We would embrace our singleness with vigor, purpose, and adventure. We were strangers and yet of one mind.
God’s timing is impeccable. One day, seemingly out of the blue, some mutual friends were inspired to introduce us. We spoke on the phone and made plans to meet in person. Although we served and worshiped in the same conference for at least 20 years, neither of us had any recognition of seeing the other before this moment in time. The butterflies were cutting somersaults inside of both our hearts and the message was clear. This is the one!
A year later, we were blissfully married! Instead of the traditional exciting wedding music, the choir sang “God Restores” by Wayne Bucknor. It was the same song that was sung at Justin’s funeral as we exited out of the church after his service. In the first instance, the theme of restoration is one of hope for the future, and, in the latter, of restoration for the present and the future. It is now almost seven years later, and the bliss continues! We are “a living testimony, God restores!” 1 Peter 5:10.
Additionally, the 23rd Psalm states that “He restores my soul.” The soul is the human life. From the very beginning, God breathed into a lifeless body and mankind became a living soul. He has not lost His creative and restorative power. He breathed into the lives of two broken individuals, creating a new relationship and ministry of restoration! And, because we do ministry as a couple, we receive God’s blessings in double!
Southern Union | February 2024

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