On any given day of the week, on two different occasions a day, the Asheville, North Carolina, radio station 106.9 The Light FM takes a short pause in its program to air a segment on healthy habits for whole living. With one of the largest FM coverage areas in the country, a potential 5 million listeners are tuning in.
The segment is called AdventHealth Wellness Minute, and it’s based on CREATION Life, AdventHealth’s faith-based, whole-person care program featuring eight key principles of wellness: Choice, Rest, Environment, Activity, Trust in God, Interpersonal Relationships, Outlook, and Nutrition.
AdventHealth is a national system composed of nearly 50 hospitals in nine states, but the content for AdventHealth Wellness Minutes doesn’t come from very far. The nearby AdventHealth Hendersonville facility, about a half-hour outside of Asheville, manages the segment.
According to Victoria Dunkle, AdventHealth Hendersonville communications and PR director, the segment exists to provide encouragement and health and wellness information, establish AdventHealth Hendersonville as the region’s faith-based hospital, and highlight the organization’s mission.
Scott Miller, AdventHealth Hendersonville hospital’s chief operating officer, said this mission is what makes AdventHealth special.
“As a faith-based health care organization, AdventHealth provides the same level of care and quality as other health care providers in our region. What sets Advent- Health apart is our mission to extend Christ’s healing ministry to those entrusted to our care,” he said. “This whole-person approach addresses not only the physical needs of each patient, but the emotional and spiritual needs as well. The fulfillment of this sacred work is our differentiator and what we are committed to offering every person, every time.”
106.9 The Light FM was founded by renowned evangelist Billy Graham and his wife, Ruth, in 1962. It’s currently operated by Blue Ridge Broadcasting. AdventHealth’s relationship with the station began as a “Business Ministry Partnership” with the AdventHealth Wellness Minute serving as a Business Ministry Partner program.
The Light FM encourages families and individuals with hope-filled music and biblical teaching. With AdventHealth’s mission to extend the healing ministry of Christ, the relationship was a natural fit.
“By utilizing the platforms entrusted to both organizations, we are able to support listeners with practical and helpful health information while encouraging spiritual maturity simultaneously,” said The Light FM’s afternoon host, Jon Wood. “This creates a unique opportunity to care for the whole person in a way that few partnerships have.”
One unique aspect of the partnership is a texting service that allows listeners to text “health” to the station’s phone number to receive an immediate response with a link to more information about AdventHealth. Making this resource available 24/7 enhances access for anyone seeking additional help.
“On-demand, Christ-centered content that serves our listener will always be a powerful resource in advancing the healing ministry of Christ,” Wood said.
The Light FM’s broadcast reaches from eastern Tennessee all the way into eastern North Carolina, and into parts of Georgia and South Carolina. It streams worldwide.
Listeners can tune in online at TheLightFM.org, via The Light FM app or using voice-controlled devices such as Google Home or the Amazon Echo or Tap.
To learn more about AdventHealth Wellness Minutes, visit TheLightFM.org/Health.
AdventHealth | August 2020

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