It began with a dream — a dream of caring for employees, equipping them with tools for their work, and ultimately leading them in compliance with human resource procedures. The dream became a reality when Yasmin Then, human resource/talent management director, orchestrated the first Human Resource (HR) Summit to be held for Florida Conference on January 27, 2019.
“The majority of issues we deal with from a legal standpoint, from a preventive standpoint, and sometimes from a crisis standpoint all emanate out of HR issues,” said Jim Davidson, executive secretary of Southern Union Conference. “I want to thank the Florida Conference for this initiative.”
HR Summit encompassed a vast majority of the Florida Conference employee base, with emphasis placed on school principals, business managers, vice presidents, directors, associate directors, pastors, ABC personnel, and Camp Kulaqua department directors.
No stone was left unturned in providing knowledgeable presenters in their respected fields of expertise.
“The Summit was a unique opportunity for learning and growth in understanding vital HR processes and procedures, as well as development of self. The knowledge gained was very practical, and I commend the Florida Conference for their vision in providing this resource.”
—Greg Ellis, executive director for mission and ministry at AdventHealth
General Sessions
Mental Health and Ministry —
Jay Perez, vice president of mission and ministry for AdventHealth
“Embrace your limitations and be aware how you project this on to others,” said Perez. “Live in the here and now. We are called not to perfectionism but to excellence. A life of excellence is eternally driven. The deepest longing of the soul is for intimacy with God and others.”
Respect in the Workplace —
Allison Osborn D’Amour, attorney at Fisher Phillips Orlando office
In every work place, a culture should be created in which all employees are treated as equals, and they treat one another with mutual respective. A positive culture leads to a respectful environment for all employees with fewer complaints, charges, or insults, and improved morale and efficiency.
In Times of Crisis —
Paul Timm, vice president of Facility Engineering Associates of Chicago
Practical security is of the utmost importance for church, schools, and camps. Whatever practices are being used must be documented. Schools need to have a mass notification system.
“I brought Camp Kulaqua department directors to the HR Summit, and Paul Timm opened our eyes to being prepared for emergency management.”
—Phil Younts, executive director of Florida Conference Camp Ministries
Ask the Experts —
Reneé Whittaker, moderator and HR generalist at Florida Conference
The use of technology was at the forefront during a panel discussion skillfully led by Whittaker. Attendees used their electronic devices to send questions to the moderator who shared them with the appropriate presenters.
The Power of Purpose —
Nikki Stumpf, dedicated to making HR a strategic business partner with the organization
Everyone was encouraged to “grow the most in the areas of your greatest strength,” said Stumpf. “If you want something you’ve never had, you have to do something you’ve never done.”
Break-Out Sessions
- Wage and Hour Compliance — Renata Sobral, employment lawyer with Fisher Phillips Orlando
- How to Create Bullet Proof Documentation — Joseph Doukmetzian, claims counsel with Adventist Risk Management
- How Church Structure Affects Ministry — Karnick Doukmetzian, general counsel for the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists
- Streamlining the Onboarding Process — Aric Turlington, systems and technology analyst at Florida Conference; and Vanesa Gaitan, HR specialist for Florida Conference
- When Workers Don’t Work — Sylvia Adams, associate chief legal officer for labor and employment at AdventHealth.
- Managing Performance and Terminations — Allison Osbourne D’Amour, attorney with Fisher Phillips Orlando
- Emergency Management — Paul Timm, vice president of Facility Engineering Associates of Chicago
- School Treasurers and School Board Chairpersons — George Carrazana, associate superintendent of finance for Florida Conference
Message from the President
“Walking together in a Summit like this means that we at the Conference are here to serve you,” said Allan Machado, president of Florida Conference. “It is important to learn to do business right in a complex world like we are living in today. We need to learn, to grow, and to educate ourselves.”
At the conclusion of the event, one attendee best described the day:
“The Summit was wonderful, informative, helpful, and extremely well- executed. From breakfast to worship, and from break-out sessions to guest speakers, the time together was well spent!”
—Nieves Jenkins, principal of Osceola Adventist Christian School
Recordings of the proceedings are available on video for employee improvement.
Florida | May 2019

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