Mila Bales
This isn’t about feeling the music; it’s about feeling God,” said Erika Peralta, freshman computer science major, during Glow Night of Worship, a musical worship event held at Coolidge Park in Chattanooga, Tennessee, on Friday evening, October 20, 2023.
This was the second Glow Night of Worship planned by Engage Worship, which is Southern Adventist University’s traveling praise and worship ministry, bringing the foundational worship and social experiences of Southern to local church communities throughout the Southern Union. At this event, all four student-led Engage Worship bands performed together, worshipping God through song; and students spoke, sharing valuable spiritual insights.
“Sometimes we’re so busy doing all the things around Jesus, we forget to encounter Jesus,” said Peralta, as she spoke on the topic of listening to God and working with God, not just for Him.
The group gave out glow sticks and threw sweatshirts and teddy bears out to the crowd, creating a fun and inviting atmosphere. Students, prospective students, parents, and the community, were all invited to attend, and many passersby stopped to join the group in worship.
“We’re just worshipping the most amazing God who loves the universe,” Karl Camacho, junior theology major, shared during his worship talk. “We are here tonight to dwell in His presence.” Camacho spoke about God’s love for His people and how God fully knows us and yet fully loves us. He expressed how he has experienced God’s love and that God’s love is available to everyone.
At the conclusion of the event, people gathered around and talked about their experiences. Judah Hernandez, a friend of a student, mentioned that he was “very, very blessed.” Another attendee shared that he could see how much the bands wanted to share the word of God.
“It feels like an outreach in a really special way because it lets our community know we exist, and we’re showing Jesus’ love through the University,” said Julia Lang, an Engage Worship band leader and sophomore psychology major.
Carlos Torres, another band leader and junior marketing major, said, “It was worship in its purest form, and it was super special because everyone was here for the same reason.”
Southern Adventist University | December 2023

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