I’ve been privileged to preach the Gospel for more than 25 years. To witness thousands of individuals surrender and give their lives to Jesus has been most rewarding, not just for the people, but for me too! God’s power is real to me! Yet, never in all of my years have I seen anything like what I witnessed during our most recent Breath of Life evangelistic revival in Tanzania, Africa, for our “Mungu Kwanza” Campaign, Swahili for “God First,” in the city of Chato.
For two weeks I preached in the open air to thousands of people in the English language while translators interpreted my sermons in sign language and Swahili. Audio devices were also provided so French-speaking individuals could hear the message translated. It seemed like the crowd grew larger and larger each night as those who came shared what they learned with family and friends.
What made this revival unique was that while there were thousands attending at our primary location in Chato, the revival was also being broadcast live on television, radio, and the internet to more than 3,000 locations across the entire country of Tanzania and beyond.
When the first call for baptism was made, we were amazed at the number of individuals who responded. The number was so great that we struggled to keep up with the count. It was like a modern-day Pentecost! Many kept responding and requesting that they, too, be able to give their hearts to God and be baptized!
Today, I’m proud to report that 16,706 individuals were baptized, and became members of God’s Church! Praise the Lord!
And, while this is great news, it presents a great problem! With the great number of new church members, we now need a place of worship for them. Hence, it’s our plan to return to Chato and build the first Breath of Life Church ever to be established on the continent of Africa! Please pray for Breath of Life as we continue to provide support to the new members, and prepare to construct a new place of worship for our new brothers and sisters in Chato!
is the speaker/director of the Breath of Life Telecast and the senior pastor of Oakwood University Church in Huntsville, Alabama.
Southern Union | June 2020

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