Gianna Snell
Benjamin Jones, president of South Central Conference, shared the theme for 2018 at the annual fall Worker’s Meeting last month in Huntsville, Alabama. Last year was the first full year for the new administration: Benjamin Jones, president; John Nixon Sr., D.Min., executive secretary; and Sonja Crayton, treasurer. It was a great year!
The apex of the year was Camp Meeting, with the theme, “We Would See Jesus,” held June 2-10. New for 2017 were the Plenary Sessions introduced by Jones, which included a young adult segment on Wednesday. “Plenary” means to be attended by all participants at a conference or assembly, who otherwise meet in smaller groups. Prior to this year, a myriad of smaller workshops were held during the regular 10 to 11:45 a.m., and 3 to 5 p.m. workshop spots. In previous years, these time periods were reserved for various departmental workshops.
For 2017 the president’s vision for Camp Meeting was to convert these periods into themed plenary sessions, that were received well by the campers. Each day there were different presenters, starting with Ty Gibson, co-director of Light Bearers and pastor of the Storyline Church, who dealt with “Christ our Righteousness.” Craig Newborn, Ph.D., retired South Central departmental director, shared important highlights on the Spirit of Prophecy with Jud Lake, Th.D., D.Min., professor at Southern Adventist University in Collegedale, Tennessee. On Wednesday, Marquis Johns, lead pastor of the North Philadelphia Church, spoke to the idea of “Inter-generational Connectedness,” a special young adult topic; Nadine Joseph Collins, Ph.D., SanareLife, Inc., dealt with “Women in Leadership”; and South Central’s new educational superintendent, Johnny Holliday, and associate, Queen Robinson, Ph.D., featured the “Relevance of Christian Education Today.” The regular adult workshops by departments were adjusted to the first Sabbath afternoon through the first Sunday, unless otherwise indicated.
Camp Meeting concluded with an inspiring Ordination and Commissioning Service for six participants. Ordination candidates were Jacques Francois, pastor; Bryant Herbert, pastor; H. Micah Weech, pastor; M. C. Burks, chaplain. Commissioning candidates were Kimberly Mann, chaplain at Oakwood University; and Ifeoma Kwesi, D.Min., commissioning participant from Oakwood University.
This year is on track to be spirit-filled and a banner year as well. Jones is inspired with the motif of “Changed” for the theme, “Changed by His Presence, by His Promise, and by His Power.” Camp Meeting is scheduled for June 8-16. See you there!
is the former communication director at the South Central Conference.
South Central | January 2018

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