Ron Smith, D.Min., Ph.D., president of the Southern Union Conference, visited Sunrise Church in Broward County, Florida, where he delivered a powerful message centered on the cross of Christ. He painted a vivid picture of a Savior who purposely chose the cross as a catalyst to fight for our salvation. He highlighted the seemingly irrational choice of an all-powerful, all-knowing being to purposely choose vulnerability over might to vindicate all from the curse of sin.
Smith went on to artfully use Scripture, humor, and storytelling to knit together a tapestry of how Jesus sacrificed His ego, and indeed His life, not just for the collective good of His beloved disciples, but also for the good of the entire world. He shared how a loving Savior risked everything in response to His conviction about what His Heavenly Father had sent Him to do, and how Jesus, Who began his earthly life vulnerably, ended it in the same way — at first in a manger, at last on a cross.
Finally, Smith drove home the point that Jesus chose vulnerability over might because love is vulnerable! Love is not just an emotion that we feel, but it is a choice that we make. It requires us to open ourselves up to the possibility of pain, but it also has the power to transform lives in beautiful ways. Jesus’ love transformed us, and our love can transform others. In short, Smith taught the power of Jesus’ love and why all must love. He showed that love is to be vulnerable, but it’s a risk all must take.
Florida | February 2025

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