Shane Hochstetler

Shane Hochstetler
Jennifer Gennick shares her personal testimony.
I have been a teacher for 17 years, with the last six in a K4/K5 classroom. Currently, I am serving the Mobile Junior Academy in Mobile, Alabama. Every year I learn new lessons about kids, about God, and about myself.
My students come from many backgrounds, cultures, and different experiences with God. They come to me having different levels of knowledge and understanding. Those first few weeks of school always bring interesting experiences as I get to know my little charges. They are each so unique and have different needs, fears, and abilities. I find myself listening and paying close attention to them as we get to know each other. Bringing these individuals and myself into a little community, or family, is my goal for those first few weeks of school.
Time and time again, I am reminded that God is right there, ready to help me through the day. When I forget to bring my little worries and troubles about my classroom to God, I become a bit hopeless. But, when I work, saying little prayers throughout the day, He never fails, whether it’s a prayer for patience, wisdom, or knowledge to help these little people work out their problems or to give me the help that I need for each situation.
Some folks may believe that Pre-K and kindergarten classrooms are not important to our Adventist schools. Today, though, so many families must have a dual income, and the little ones need a safe, happy learning environment that helps them get to know Jesus when they are unable to be with their families. Jesus said in Matthew 19:14, “Let the little children come to me, and forbid them not.” Kids need to know that God has a purpose and a plan for them. The earlier they can come to believe that God loves them and that they are a part of His family, the more hope and assurance they and their families will have.
Adventist school teachers are a part of an evangelistic effort nine months of every year. Moreover, that effort is not just for the older children.
I am not just a K4/K5 teacher. I am a Seventh-day Adventist evangelist K4/K5 teacher. What a humbling, awesome privilege that is.
is a K4/K5 teacher at Mobile Junior Academy in Mobile, Alabama.
Gulf States | October 2018

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