Through Public Campus Ministry

Middle Tennessee State University (MTSU), Murfreesboro, Tennessee, had its biannual student organizations fair on January 24, 2017. Most of the 367 groups listed on MTSU’s website convened in a multipurpose room in the Student Union Building. Each group passionately sought out students who leisurely walked through the crowded room. Organizations varied from sororities to social justice causes and Christianity.
Adventist Christian Fellowship (ACF) interacted with several students in two hours. All conversations were interesting. For instance, meet “Gary,” an international student from Singapore. He is pursuing a business major as an exchange student. Gary misses rice and soup, he responded without hesitation. Gary also shared about his interest in Christianity. He is searching for meaning. International students represent a great missional opportunity. Churches could provide transportation, food, and friendship for lonely students like Gary. He could become a missionary to his friends and family in Singapore.
Meet “Seth,” a local young adult searching for God. He attends Bible studies, and wonders if the Bible is true. He is even considering traveling to Israel with his roommate to continue his search for meaning and God.
Gary and Seth are not alone on the quest. Other students picked up GLOW tracks that addressed the existence of God in an awful world. ACF gave away almost 100 copies of the Desmond Doss story. Providentially, MTSU showed the movie Hacksaw Ridge six times in three days during January.
Are you passionate about Public Campus Ministries (PCM)? Consider attending a PCM Catalyst Event. Nashville First Church will host a free Catalyst event on March 25, 2017, with Ron Pickell from the North American Division. To register, go to The Lord said, “The harvest truly is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Therefore pray the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest,” Matthew 9:37, 38. Is the Lord calling you to a Public Campus Ministry near you?
Kentucky-Tennessee | March 2017

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