Ambassador Church marked a 30th anniversary with a weekend celebration, January 13-15, 2023. The event started with Vespers, where members welcomed the Sabbath with singing and thanksgiving.
Members reflected on God’s goodness and faithfulness throughout the past 30 years. The road was at times dark, winding, and uncertain, but God was present. Faith kept the congregation believing that God, who started a good work in them, would take them to the end.
The celebration continued Sabbath, January 14, with a deep dive into the Word in Sabbath School; an uplifting sermon by Henoc Paulicin, third pastor of Ambassador; and congratulatory remarks from Florida Conference delegates, including Allan Machado, president, and Elisa Rahming, treasurer. The celebration climaxed with a huge banquet where guests enjoyed good food and entertainment.
The church started with a small group of 19 individuals, mainly eight families of the Lighthouse Church, who decided to fellowship together. A small room was rented at Merrell United Methodist Church for Sabbath service. William Kirlew, pastor of Maranatha Church at that time, was tasked to facilitate helping the group become part of a conference. Members were serious about spreading the Gospel, and the membership grew.
The first pastor to lead the flock was Lincoln Lewellyn Sr. in January 1993. After his untimely death, Richard James took the helm, then Henoc Paulicin, and now Valtricts Binns. The rapidly growing congregation held crusades, marches for social causes, and feeding programs; even adopted a street (NW 41st Avenue in Lauderdale Lakes, Fla.); and moved to a small unit in the Headway Plaza in 1994, and later to Redeemer Lutheran Church in 2002.
The goal was to secure a permanent building for worship. Members toiled and labored for years, saving for a building that only faith could see by giving faithfully to the church’s building fund, and engaged in numerous fund-raising activities. In July 2007, Ambassador Church purchased a permanent worship center at 3245 W. Oakland Park Blvd. in Lauderdale Lakes.
Today, Ambassador Church stands tall with more than 600 members who are dedicated to spreading the Gospel throughout the world, and connecting Christ to the community. God has been good to His people.
Florida | June 2023

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