Minimally Invasive Solutions Consulting hired FC XLab @ Forest Lake Academy (FLA) to redesign the BioTissue model holder and the thoracic chest model used to train surgeons how to use the DaVinci Robot to perform mitral heart valve repair.
Students from the FC XLab observed an advanced robotic cardiac course at the AdventHealth Nicholson Center on Sunday, March 27, 2022, where a surgical team from Salt Lake City learned to perform a heart valve repair procedure using the DaVinci Surgical Robot.
The XLabers are using the design thinking process to improve the training apparatus. This observation was for students to implement the discovery phase of the “design thinking process,” “empathize,” and “define” stages.
The students will be designing the model on Autodesk Fusion 360, and 3D print the model with the lab’s carbon fiber 3D printer, the Makerbot Method.
The instructor, Goya Raikar, M.D., a Mayo Clinic-trained cardiothoracic surgeon from Wisconsin, took the Utah team through an intensive lab designed to evaluate and improve the team’s robotic skills applied to heart valve repair.
“Having students redesign and improve the BioTissue model holder and the thoracic chest model in which the BioTissue model is placed when training surgical teams will impact the ability of the teams to perform the training sessions that lead to successful cases and outcomes,” states Peter Carnegie, CEO of Minimally Invasive Solutions. “It is not very often that students can take on projects that improve the performance of surgical teams all over the world by improving practice sessions.”
Minimally Invasive Solutions Consulting is the primary program development company that takes teams through a development plan from the first practice session until the team reaches clinical independence, which is the ability to perform a robotic heart valve repair without any outside (non-hospital employee) assistance.
Florida Conference XLab is a startup incubator and design studio that provides students with the support and environment needed to launch an LLC, pursue patents, and develop solutions to real-world problems.
The Florida Conference Innovation Lab at Forest Lake Academy is a school-within-a-school magnet program serving as a laboratory/demonstration school designed to reimagine education by advancing experimentation in education. “Cultivating Innovators!”
Learn more at flcoeinnovation.org or search the following hashtags on social media: #AdventistEducation #STEMCIE #Innovation #DesignThinking
Florida | June 2022

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