He stood alone leaning against a stone wall. His elderly eyes reflected nostalgia of years gone by as he watched the brightly lit floats pass. A member of the Jasper, Tenn., Church gave him a red bag and wished him “Merry Christmas!” His response was only a nod. As he pulled out the Steps to Christ book inside, his expression seemed to soften. He gently opened it and a smile graced his face. It was the gift he needed and an answer to prayer.
The Jasper Church united in preparing for the annual town Christmas parade by transforming a 21’ trailer into a float with a message, and filling more than 1,200 bags to distribute.
On the float, there was a manger and a cross on opposite ends with two pews swathed in quilts in between to match this year’s parade theme of “Country Christmas.” Lights were strewn everywhere. Some of the younger members of the congregation came out in costumes representing Joseph, Mary, three wise men, and even a couple of Roman soldiers. The magi shared their gifts of gold “coins” of chocolate by throwing them to the onlookers.
The bags each contained a Steps to Christ, 2-3 GLOW tracts, a bouncy ball with the words “God loves you,” and a candy cane. Random bags had more literature added or Bible study guides, and advertisements for the Jasper Adventist Christian School.
Prayers continued to ascend up to the event for receptive hearts to receive the literature, a harvest, safety, and for God to be glorified. The threat of rain all week plus the plummeting temperatures had many of the members praying for God to change the predicted weather too.
God answered “exceeding abundantly beyond all” that was asked.
Upon lining up, the participants felt a light sprinkling of water come from the cloudy sky. The Jasper body of believers gathered together to pray, again, for God’s blessing on the distribution of literature, safety for all involved, and for no rain. From that moment on, the weather was perfect.
As the Jasper Church procession started moving, music filled the air from the head elder clad in overalls and strumming his banjo while walking in front of the float, to the keyboard and small “choir” on the float, and finishing with two gifted vocalists riding in a side-by-side in the rear.
God truly was glorified. All bags were distributed and His hand of protection was seen.
As for the prayer for a harvest … only time will tell the outcome; however, the glimpse into one man’s reaction of receiving the bag was enough of an encouragement to keep praying for lives to be changed and souls to be saved through the community outreach.
Georgia-Cumberland | February 2025

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