Rebecca Carpenter

Kim Cove

Beth Grissom
“You turned my wailing into dancing; you removed my sackcloth and clothed me with joy,” Psalm 30:11 NIV.
Joy is a mystery. People often argue about the definition, confusing it with other emotions such as happiness. Joy is one of the spiritual gifts listed in Galatians 5:22-23. In fact, it is second on the list, but it’s often regarded as something that’s nice when one has it, but not something expected or sought after.
This is part of the message of the “Joy in the Weeds” podcast co-hosted by real-life friends Beth Grissom, prayer and women’s ministries director for the Carolina Conference, and Kim Cove, a licensed marriage and family therapist. They point out to their listeners that, as a fruit of the Spirit, joy is a beautiful testimony of what a life filled with the Holy Spirit can bring about. Joy isn’t dependent on circumstances being perfect. In fact, joy shines the brightest when it is experienced during the struggles and challenges — the weeds — of life. The Lord’s joy gives strength (Nehemiah 8:10) and He wants to clothe all with joy (Psalm 30:11). Joy can take people to a place where they can heal and grow, and it’s available even when they are tangled up in the weeds!
Grissom and Cove know that ignoring the weeds and pretending they aren’t there mires one in unhealthy habits and prevents growing and flourishing. Openly facing the weeds and dealing with them while clinging to the joy God gives is their message. Together they bring a wealth of personal and professional wisdom to the table.
The women have conversations about the weeds of life and finding joy while in them. They don’t shy away from tough topics and invite guests who share what finding joy has looked like in the midst of coping with their own weeds.
This podcast is for anyone who has ever had weeds in their life or are currently toiling in the weeds. God wants each person to experience the true and abiding joy that can come only as a gift from Him.
Carolina | August 2020

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