Lauderhill Church Celebrates Centenarian
Rita-Ann Richards-Anglin, Lauderhill Church member, was honored on Sunday, June 26, 2022, with a 100th birthday celebration at the Signature Grand Ballroom in Fort Lauderdale. This stalwart centurion enjoyed the festivities of a royal-like celebration by people impacted by her love and ministry: family, friends, church members and leaders, local civic leaders, and government officials.
Professional Background
Born in Mount Providence, Clarendon parish, Jamaica, on June 28, 1922, to parents Timothy and Ethel Richards, Rita-Ann was one of seven children. She began charting her way towards becoming an educator. To realize her dream, she enrolled in The Moneague College in St. Ann and obtained a certificate approved by the Institute of Education from the University of the West Indies, Jamaica. She also attended the prestigious Mico University College and earned a Teacher’s Diploma from the Ministry of Education.
Anglin’s natural persona of being kind, loving, considerate, sympathetic, and helpful equipped her to excel in the challenging field of teaching where she blessed hundreds of students and faculty at various church schools and government institutions. She received numerous awards and citations, such as a medal for excellence in the field of education, Certificate for Community Service, and a citation for her long service in teaching.
Exemplary Record of Citizenship
Anglin has displayed true professionalism and dignity in all undertakings within her local community, church, and home country. She served as district Red Cross leader, Justice of the Peace (St. James, Jamaica), lay magistrate (St. James, Jamaica), and active committee member for Public Assistance in Food Aid (Montego Bay, Jamaica).
As a true God-fearing Christian, she faithfully served various positions in her home church, both in Jamaica and the USA: church clerk, Sabbath School teacher and superintendent, Adventist Youth (AY) sponsor, organist, choir director, youth leader, lay preacher, Bible worker, and lay activities leader; and, she executed three spirit-filled crusades.
Living in the Here and Now
Anglin, who is the surviving spouse of a remarkable marriage, now spends most of her time at home enjoying her post-retirement life. She is a mother of three sons, five grandchildren, 12 great-grandchildren, and eight great-great-grandchildren. Some of her favorite post-retirement activities include colporteuring, small farming, dressmaking, hand embroidery, tatting, messaging the pastor and other members on her newly discovered WhatsApp, and listening to music. To soothe her soul she cites, “Praise the Lord, O my soul; all my inmost being, praise his holy name,” Psalm 103:1. “My Maker and My King,” is her favorite hymn.
Florida | December 2022

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