Music Conference Provides Framework for Worship
For the first ever Collegedale Korean Music in Worship Conference, Erwin Nanasi, D.Min., Oklahoma Conference pastor, was invited to the Collegedale, Tenn., Korean Church. There are only a few issues as widely debated yet as essential to Adventism as the topic of worship. The theme for the conference was “…and worship Him,” (Revelation 14:7) which set the tone for the presentations on biblical foundations in worship as well as the practical pointers for worship leaders, accompanists, and congregants during the weekend.
Attendees preregistered for the event and participated either in person or online. Sessions were subdivided into both practical master classes on planning, singing, leading, accompanying, and conducting church music, as well as Bible discourses on worship.
Whether for practical or philosophical reasons, members and guests from the surrounding local churches continued to mention how this seminar provided the framework and content for Adventist worship in a multigenerational, multicultural 21st-century congregation. Nanasi’s approach balanced the often polarizing elements of the paradoxical nature of truth such as the law of God and the grace of God, revival as well as reformation, keeping God’s holy day in His holy way, worshiping Him in spirit as well as in truth. Furthermore, participants were invited to consider theological tenets and musical undercurrents in compositions, selections, and performances of church music. Nanasi argued that the three Hebrew friends were compelled by the use of all kinds of “music” to worship a man-made image in literal Babylon, which foreshadowed the bearers of the three angels’ messages, who will be compelled by the use of ecumenical music practices to worship on a man-made day (and way) in spiritual Babylon!
God’s Spirit was especially palpable during the special music of a mass choir composed of high school and collegiate young people performing a rendition of “How Great Thou Art” by Dan Forrest, and the genuine response of the congregation during the altar call at the end of the sermon. The members praise God for the inspiration their local church received through the ministry of the Word and song, and encourage others to dedicate a weekend to do the same as well.
Some of the sessions from the worship seminar are available to watch on the Collegedale Korean’s YouTube channel at cksda church.
Georgia-Cumberland | December 2022

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