The Myrtle Grove Church in Wilmington, N.C., celebrated its rededication service as Myrtle Grove Bilingual Church, on Sabbath, November 4, 2023. This is the first officially named bilingual congregation in the South Atlantic Conference. The church’s mission remains the same, “Go ye into all the world and preach,” which focuses on carrying the Gospel to a multicultural community that surrounds the church.
Believers from the Hispanic and African American Adventist communities came together to create a unique place of worship, outreach, prayer, and praise — a bilingual worship community.
Calvin B. Preston, South Atlantic Conference president, delivered a stirring message during worship service, highlighting how God will bring His people together to accomplish His will, despite differences in race, culture, or ethnic origin. Preston and Finees Baez-Roman, Myrtle Grove pastor, led the congregation in the rededication service.
Following the church service, lunch was served to all who attended.
South Atlantic | February 2024

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