Janice Galambos
Members and visitors packed the North Lake Church in Leesburg, Fla., on March 16, 2017, to dedicate the church and thank the Lord for His many blessings.
Today, the 149 members are a far cry from the group of 13 people who began a branch Sabbath School in Tavares, Fla., on July 22, 2000, as part of a church-planting initiative. Over the years, the group assumed several names as members sought a permanent place of worship.
Mission group status was attained on September 20, 2000; company status on April 1, 2001; and church status on January 19, 2002. The late Obed Graham and his wife, Coretta, donated five acres of land in February 2007 for a building site for the new church, and the grand opening was held on March 21, 2009.
Ten years later, the dedication of the church included the burning of the 20-year promissory note, which was paid back in a little less than 10 years. Norman Bassett, North Lake pastor, assisted Florida Conference officials Tim Goff, executive secretary; Elisa Rahming, treasurer; and Orlando Lopez, vice president for pastoral ministries, in burning the note. Goff presented the dedication address entitled “Church Keys.”
Shortly after the church was opened, a gentleman came by and asked, “Would the church like to have a radio station?” Through many miracles, the members feel assured of God’s leading in establishing a radio station at the church, and the antenna placed on the church steeple provides extensive coverage for Lake, Marion, and Sumpter counties.
“From our humble beginnings in the year 2000 to the stunning sanctuary of the current North Lake Church,” says Bassett, “we can certainly testify to the faithfulness of the hand of God.”
Florida | August 2019

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