Orlando Central Korean Church hosted “The Korean Convocation” in Orlando, Fla. November 2-5, 2023. This gathering marked the first post-COVID assembly of Korean churches in Florida, aimed at fostering revival and fellowship. In spite of their modest size, Tampa and Miami Korean churches envisioned this annual event as a catalyst for community bonding, faith sharing, and mutual support.
Originally established for Korean immigrants, Korean churches now serve a broader demographic. To address the diverse needs, there are specific ministries: Korean Ministry for first-generation immigrants, and English Ministry for second- and third-generation Korean Americans and those who are not Koreans. At this event, Insik Ahn, pastor at the Alabama Korean Church, led the Korean Ministry with a revival sermon on “The Joy of Salvation.” For the English Ministry, missionary Jessica Jun delivered timely and uplifting messages on “Third Culture Kid (TCK),” resonating well with the attendees.
On Sabbath afternoon, Orlando Central Korean Church organized an array of Bible-themed booths. These included: “Bible Memory Verse,” “Bible Bingo,” “Dalgona Game,” “Bible Maze,” “Bible Coloring,” “Bible Acrostic Poem,” “Bible Spot the Difference,” “Bible Crossword,” “Overcoming Canaan,” and “Talent Market”. These booths, operated by dedicated young adults from the church, not only brought joy to participants of all ages, but also fostered a sense of unity in Christ among leaders and attendees.
“The Korean Convocation” was supported by the Florida Conference which provided significant spiritual encouragement and strength to the local, often small and in minority, church communities. This convocation not only offered an opportunity for spiritual revival, but also facilitated collaboration among churches, ensuring sustained growth, and support within the Korean Adventist community in Florida.
Florida | July 2024

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