Silver Springs Shores Church in Ocala is mission driven, locally as well as in the world field. On specific Sundays, soccer games are held at the church, and the community is invited to attend. These opportunities for service were originally started by a young couple attending the church who had an interest in soccer and in mission, Gary and Narissa Saint Fleur.
This young couple also got members involved in trying to make changes for the better in the lives of children in Haiti through giving money to improve their educational opportunities. Last summer, 16 young people from the church took a mission trip to Haiti to assist with various projects, including construction, at Kingdom Goals Christian Academy, under the guidance of directors and founders Gary and Narissa Saint Fleur.
Originally, the Saint Fleurs began an after-school program at the home of his parents in Port-de-Paix, Haiti, after seeing school-aged children wandering the streets or playing soccer during school time. The couple handpicked 24 children to learn English, Bible, soccer, health, and music.
Space soon became insufficient as more and more students requested admission. Eventually, the school moved to a rental property, and then in 2017 became Kingdom Goals Christian Academy.
In the fall of 2019, enrollment at Kingdom Goals Christian Academy grew to 139 students, including pre-K through third grade. There are also 20 students who attained scholarships and are now in upper primary school and high school.
Through the generosity of sponsors like the members of the Silver Springs Shores Church, provision for additional resources and better success in educational needs in Haiti will continue to grow.
Florida | January 2020

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