Singles’ Ministries is often viewed as the ministry for young adults, desperate individuals, and undesirables. But, who is Singles’ Ministries actually for? What is the purpose of Singles’ Ministries? Singles’ Ministries is for individuals who are divorced, widowed, single, and interested or uninterested in marriage.
Singles’ Ministries is not a hook-up ministry or a prerequisite for marriage ministry. Seamona Stewart, South Atlantic Conference’s (SAC) Atlanta coordinator for Singles’ Ministries, believes the purpose of the ministry is to give Christian singles in the Church a safe place to serve in active ministry with like-minded singles. Stewart spear-headed this year’s singles’ retreat in Gatlinburg, Tenn. The theme was “L.I.F.E.” (Living in Full Effect). The purpose of the retreat was to give singles a place to get away, recharge, and fellowship with fellow Christian singles while living life to the fullest, the way God intended.
Sabbath morning began with morning manna, an early morning worship experience; breakfast; and part one of a two-part series presented by the retreat’s speaker, Jon Remitera. Remitera’s sessions reinforced the retreat’s theme, L.I.F.E., as he delivered sermons that promoted self-love, personal development, and God’s desire to see His children live wonderful, happy lives.
After group ice-breakers, individuals engaged in various conversations ranging from raising children and hyphenating surnames, to what individuals expect from their spouses. At sunset, the group enjoyed a few rounds of laser tag, miniature golf, funnel cakes, and a night of relaxation in the cabin’s jacuzzi. Sunday, the group participated in snow tubing and skiing.
The retreat proved to be a rejuvenating, enjoyable experience for the attendees seeking to Live in Full Effect and serve in ministry with like-minded Christian singles.
South Atlantic | April 2020

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