Hundreds of high school-age Pathfinders (known in the Florida Conference as Varsity Pathfinders) met online for a first virtual camporee, branded as an iCamporee. The theme was “I Am Loved to the Xtreme!”
Varsity Pathfinder Director José Diaz, along with Javier Santiago, camping director, and dozens of volunteers, worked diligently with the Florida Conference Pathfinder and Adventurer Department to make sure the older Pathfinders could have a great digital experience.
Pathfinders were challenged during the worships to recognize and realize how God loves everyone to the extreme and continues to love each person in amazing ways.
The guest speaker was Andres Peralta, pastor and Pathfinder director for the Adventist World Headquarters. Those who attended also had access to a library of more than 100 pre-recorded sessions to earn honors, and dozens of honors were taught live. A choice of many activities were held on Sabbath and Sunday.
The goal was to give older Pathfinders an online experience to connect with friends, make new friends, engage in activities, learn new skills, and, most importantly, to be reminded of how much God loves them.
“If a young person can begin to grasp and understand God’s love,” says Pedro Perez, Conference Pathfinder director, “It can change their whole way of thinking and their life. We want our Pathfinders to be very clear on how loved they are by their heavenly Father, and be so amazed by His love that they want to surrender their lives and commit to being lifelong followers of Jesus.”
Florida | January 2021

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