TThe Young Adult Life ministries of 1st West Palm Beach (WPB), Fla., Church hosted The Upper Room Experience from 10:00 p.m. on a Saturday to 6:00 a.m. Sunday morning. The well-attended program was an all-night encounter with Christ, with the purpose of surrendering the mind, body, and spirit to the Lord.
Called the “Young Adult Life @ 1st SDA WPB,” the seven-member ministry planning team put a lot of work into making the event memorable. The program was recorded and is still available for viewing on YouTube: youtu.be/9viUZqnn17k?t=22143.
A praise team of nine singers introduced the audience to a worship atmosphere. To close this segment, the audience joined in singing a prayerful rendition of Sweet Holy Spirit. Catherine Ebanks, leader of this ministry, welcomed attendees to the Upper Room and encouraged them to “allow the Holy Spirit to fill you.”
Presentations, interspersed with worship and prayer, were given throughout the night by invited speakers on a variety of topics:
- Mental health
- Addictions
- Marriage
- Sex
- Intimacy with Christ
- Making a prayer list
- Rap session
As the audience dispersed on Sunday morning, the words of this song from the opening moments on Saturday night were never more true:
“Without a doubt we’ll know
That we have been revived,
When we shall leave this place.”
Florida | July 2020

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