A special day was held for the Zomi* Church on Sabbath afternoon, August 26, 2023. Twelve of their youth received diplomas after 14 weeks of study with Voice of Prophecy’s KidZone Bible lessons. The class was composed of six boys and six girls. All 12 of the students decided to make Jesus their Lord and Savior. Verna M. Travis was their teacher. Zomi Church adopted Travis as grandma and, on graduation day, presented her with a special Certificate of Appreciation plaque.
This summer when Mang Lian, pastor, came for a week of spiritual emphasis, nine members of the class wanted to publicly state their love for Jesus and were baptized. The other four members of the class are planning on baptism in the near future.
Zomi started as a small group of 10 to 15 people meeting in the family homes of different Myanmar members. In 2011, they decided to begin worshiping on Sabbath afternoon. Not only did they study the Scriptures and praise God, but they would have a fellowship dinner, then take time to renew old friendships and get acquainted with the new families who had come from Myanmar to settle in the Orlando, Fla., area.
The group continued to grow. Eventually, they asked Andy McDonald, pastor of WholeLife Church in the College Park section of Orlando, if they could meet on Sabbath afternoon at the WholeLife Church. With the affirmative answer and the blessing of God, the congregation has continued to grow. Current membership is about 35, and Sabbath attendance is approximately 70 people including children.
Cin Go Kap is the current church elder. Thang Kim Khai is the lay pastor of the Zomi group, and his wife, Niang Tawi, is helping with the youth. The Zomi group meets each Sabbath afternoon at WholeLife Church where Ken Wetmore is the senior pastor.
*Zomi is a language group on Myanmar.
Florida | December 2023

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