It is with great delight that we congratulate all 2020 graduates — kindergarten through university — within the Southern Union. This class is the first in history to make an abrupt transition from an on-campus experience, attending classes in person, to an online experience, attending classes from the comfort of home. They, along with their teachers, rose to the occasion and finished strong. In the pages to follow, we honor the graduates from our Southern Union senior academies and invite you to join in celebrating the Class of 2020’s achievement of such an important milestone.
–The Southern Union Office of Education Team
Atlanta Adventist Academy
Bass Memorial Academy
Collegedale Academy
Fletcher Academy
Forest Lake Academy
Georgia-Cumberland Academy
Greater Atlanta Adventist Academy
Greater Miami Adventist Academy
Griggs Carolina Adventist Academy
Griggs Ephesus Junior Academy
Griggs Greeneville Adventist Academy
Griggs Louisville Adventist Academy
Griggs Walker Memorial Academy
Highland Academy
Hoover Christian School
Madison Academy
Miami Union Adventist Academy
Mount Pisgah Academy
North Tampa Christian Academy
Oakwood Adventist Academy
Southern Union | July 2020

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