Gabriella Grundy Anna Bennett... read more →
Amanda blake Presenter Julie Hayek, Ph.D., N.M.D. (standing second to left), and Columbus First Church leaders and members pose in front of their church’s MindFit... read more →
Alicia adams and laura SáMANO Janice "Gigi" Chambers "I will send money to buy Guide magazines for readers who cannot afford a subscription,” promised an unprompted donor to Laura... read more →
Crystal Earnhardt Kaelyn Chinn serves food to attendees of a meal and silent auction hosted by the Collegedale Community Church Adventurer Club. Adventurers used proceeds... read more →
Paola Mora Zepeda Workers from diverse international backgrounds at the Kentucky-Tennessee Conference gather for a group photo during the 2024 Pastor’s Retreat. Currently, the Conference employs 18 international workers from... read more →
AdventHealth’s executive clinical director of quality and safety shares some... read more →
CHRISTiNA NORRIS The Southern Tidings is happy to announce we will have limited-edition Southern Tidings trading pins. That’s right! This year we have not one, but eight uniquely designed pins!... read more →
BY by Alexis Dewey Alexis... read more →
Nancy Gerard Greg Gerard (left), retired GCA principal; Susan Jenkins, GCA business manager; Amy Cirigliano, GCA parent; Amiel Lewis, Student Association president; Serge Gariepy, GCA... read more →
Crista Crittenden Women from the Tullahoma IMVO chapter pose for a photo. IMVO is a faith-based, voluntary organization that provides displaced children with gifts that... read more →