Patsy Hayes Derrin Davis (left), Newnan First... read more →
Joshua Nelson, D.Min. Joshua Nelson, D.Min. (center), South Atlantic community services director, along... read more →
Gregory Stinson Merkita Mosley (left), Gregory Stinson, and Calvin B. Preston burn Bethany Church’s mortgage. Bethany Church Members Burn Mortgage Bethany Church in Macon, Ga., celebrated its mortgage burning service... read more →
lessie scurry More than 2,500 members,... read more →
Christine Fraser Kevin Rogers, Berean pastor, presents Margaret Johnson a certificate for being one of the six members of Berean who are 90 years old... read more →
Everton A. Ennis, D.Min. The Legacy Ministries was launched at Berean Church in Atlanta, Ga. Pictured are the panelists: Stephen Ruff (left), retired worker; Everton A. Ennis, D.Min., South Atlantic... read more →
mark wade The church was filled to capacity as Calvin B. Preston, South Atlantic Conference president, addressed the congregation. The Myrtle Grove Church in Wilmington, N.C., celebrated its rededication service... read more →
Lois Pitts Paula Morris-Blackwell, Ramah Junior Academy principal, prays with some of her students. Ramah Junior Academy, located in Savannah, Ga., received the Best of Georgia Award as one of... read more →
michael shelton Pictured are Michael Shelton (left), Smithfield Church pastor, and the benevolent contractor, M. Durwood Stephenson. For more than two years, Smithfield First Church in Smithfield, N.C., has been... read more →
christine morgan Peach State Health Plan was one of the... read more →