BY SOutheastern Conference Administation Greogry Mack, Southeastern president, presents the strategic imperatives... read more →
BY Michelle AndersonWe Have Come This Far By Faith,” was the theme of the Poinciana Church, Poinciana, Fla., opening... read more →
BY VERNE JACQUES The Eitenne family Augustin Etienne, a former Pentecostal pastor for 17 years, with his wife and three of their children, was received by profession of faith at... read more →
BY MARY ALICE BATTLE AND VERNA GLENN The women at Progress Village Church deliver handmade hats to the Moffitt Bone Marrow Transplant Clinic in Tampa, Fla. The women of Progress... read more →
So let us have the prayers ... that the message of truth may reach this large army... read more →
BY bryant taylor, d.min. Ron Smith, D.Min., Ph.D., president of the Southern Union, congratulates Gregory Mack, newly elected president of Southeastern Conference, and his wife,... read more →
BY SEC administration John Grys, pastoral development specialist with the North American Division Ministerial Department, shares the importance of having a mission with focus and... read more →
BY Robert Henley Members... read more →